The first step to creation is curiosity

Expand design horizons through global perspectives

We met on Gaby’s last night in Madrid. Perhaps not by coincidence, in a bar called The Latin Muse. Friend of a friend. Sitting across from each other neither of us knew how much our lives would change. After all, what could a graphic designer living in Buenos Aires and a business developer living in Madrid have in common? Three months after that night, Oliver quit his job and flew to Argentina to find out.
In diversity we
found strength

What we discovered in Argentina (aside from dulce de leche) was a wealth of talent and innovative design unnecessarily held back by borders. We noticed that strategies, products and content are increasingly engineered for global (or viral) appeal, and yet, when it comes to creating these, marketers use ethnocentric perspectives. If you hire the same type of agencies, the same consultants, the same media, how will you ever create something unique?
Digital transformation is less about technology, more about people. So what if, through collaborative technologies, we could manage a global team of talented creatives and business developers to help brands become internationally renown? Together we could inspire future-facing companies to build meaningful products and global identities. Our customers, and most importantly, our customers' customers, could get the very best of both worlds.
And Voilà! Mused was born.
Gabriela Velazco
Chief Creative Officer &
Oliver Lee
Chief Executive Officer
& Co-Founder

We place trust in skills and ambition to create meaningfully

Collaborating with Mused means saying no to overpriced and uninspired assembly-line design. Brand beauty is always created from within, with time, purpose and intention. We sculpt brands that are thoughtful from the design perspective, leaning on market analysis to create customer-centric strategies, products and content. And once we have found your Muse, your products and packaging are all tailor-made by a dedicated global team
We celebrate global talent and creativity.
We work with brands out there to conquer the world. Brands who exist to make a difference and disrupt the status quo. Brands who, in the words of Steve Jobs, ¨would rather be pirates than join the navy¨. We collaborate in this space because, as it turns out, there is an illuminating pattern. All the greats think, act and communicate in exactly the same way - the complete opposite to everyone else.